Older Sermon Notes

Wanting the scripture references or desire to go deeper during the sermon?

Each week we offer sermon notes to follow along with during service.  

Click on the date of the sermon you are looking for to open a pdf of the notes.  

If you are watching the sermon online you can also access the notes by clicking the "Resources" button below the specific sermon.

  • Sermon notes 12-31-2023

    Lessons from the Wisemen

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  • Sermon notes 12-24-2023 am

    Keep Christ at the Center of Christmas

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  • sermon notes 12-17-2023

    The Innkeepers Story

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  • sermon notes 12-10-2023

    Mary & Joseph

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  • sermon notes 12-02-03-2023

    The Emotions of Christmas

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  • sermon Notes 11-26-2023


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  • sermon notes 11-12-2023

    A story About seeds

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  • sermon notes 11-05-2023

    50 Amazing Days

    From Resurrection to Pentecost

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  • sermon notes 10-29-2023

    Journey to the cross

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  • sermon notes 10-22-2023

    Jesus & His Miracles

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  • sermon notes 10-15-2023

    a man called zaccheus

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  • sermon Notes 10-08-2023

    Jesus' Parables: Lost & Found

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  • sermon notes 10-02-2023

    Jesus Parables: Worry & Judgment

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  • sermon notes 09-24-2023

    Jesus & His Parables: Prayer

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  • sermon notes 09-17-2023

    The Sermon on the mount

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  • sermon notes 09-10-2023  Jesus, Light of the World

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  • Sermon Notes 09-03-2023 John the Baptist - Forerunner

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  • sermon notes 08-20-2023

    Ezra & Nehemiah

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  • sermon notes 08-13-2023

    Esther: Courage, Faith & Action

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  • sermon notes 08-06-2023

    Daniel & The 3 Amigos

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  • Sermon notes 07-23-2023

    Jeremiah: The Master Potter's Plan

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  • Sermon Notes 07-16-2023

    VBS Theme Jesus Light of the World

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  • sermon notes 07-30-2023

    Ezekiel: Thre is Hope, Come Alive

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  • sermon notes 07-09-23

    Isaiah: Man of Vision

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  • sermon notes 07-02-23

    Jonah: 2nd Chances

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  • sermon Notes 6-25-23

    elijah:Prophet, Runner, Never died

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  • sermon notes 06-18-23

    Royal advice for father's day

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  • sermon notes 6-11-23

    Solomon: Strong start, Weak Finish

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  • sermon notes 6-4-23

    David:Man after God's Own Heart

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  • sermon notes 05-21-2023

    King Saul & Youn David

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  • sermon notes 5-14-23

    A Mother's day Story: Hannah a & Samuel

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  • sermon notes 5-07-2023

    Samson:  Strong, Yet Weak

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  • sermon notes 4-30-23

    naomi, Ruth & Boaz: A Love Story

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  • SERMON NOTES 4-23-23

    JUdge gideon & His Fleece

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  • sermon notes 4-16-23

    Joshua, Jericho & A Scarlet Cord

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  • sermon Notes 4-9-23

    Easter: The 4th Wiseman

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  • sermon notes 4-2-23

    Palm Sunday Legend of the 3 Trees

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  • sermon Notes 3-26-23

    Moses Pt 4: The Tabernacle

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  • Sermon notes 3-19-23

    Moses Pt 3 - 10 Commandments

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  • sermon notes  3-12-23

    Moses Pt 2 - Wilderness Adventure

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  • sermon notes 3-5-23

    Moses  Pt 1 - Birth to Passover

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  • Sermon Notes 2-26-23

    Job Portrait of Character & Restoration

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  • Sermon notes 2-19-2023 Joseph: Providence Prevails

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  • sermo notes 2-12-2023  JaCOB gET bACK TO bETHEL

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  • SERMON NOTES  2-2-2023

    Abraham & Isaac

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  • Sermon notes 1-29-23

    The call of Abraham

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  • Sermon Notes 1-22-23

    Noah & The Flood

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  • Sermon Notes 1-15-23

    Creation & Fall

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  • Sermon Notes 1-08-23

    Pastor Adam Whitney Speaker

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  • Sermon Notes 1-01-23

    Christ Thru the bible - Intro.

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  • List Item

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  • List Item

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